+265 991 362 219 info@malabadabc.com
About US



01. membership

Malabada Business Cooperative thrives on membership. Members subscribe to a monthly payments to the cooperative and gain access to loans and other benefits depending on the type of Membership

02. shareholding 

A share is a portion or percentage of the company that is owned. Malabada Business Cooperative will issue an IPO to the public with the priority going to constituents of Blantyre Malabada Constituency.  

Our Vision

To end extreme poverty in Blantyre Malabada Constituency through social enterprise.

Our Mission

The provision of business opportunity to Blantyre Malabada constituency as a means to end extreme poverty

Our Core Values 

Value for Money

Community Development

People first


Hard work

Respect and Integrity


About the Founder

Hon Ismail Rizzq Mkumba



Hon Ismail Rizzq Nkumba is the current Member of Parliament for Blantyre Malabada Contituency. He noted that the constituency developemnt fund is not enough to develop the constituency resulting in increasing poverty levels. 

This initiated the establisment of the Malabada Business Cooperative. Through the cooperative the constituency will be able to pool resources together which will help to develop personal business and also increase investments into areas like agriculture, Manufacturing Money markets, real estate and many others